Changing auto insurance, what are the best options?

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    • David S.

        I am looking into changing auto insurance since the prices for me have gone up too much. I have been with the same company for almost 12 years now so I don’t even know what my options are these days. What are some of the best, most affordable auto insurance agencies out there?

      • Alex R.

          Geico and State Farm tend to be the most affordable with the best coverage. You will have to check around though because you might be able to get better rates than both can offer at another place like Allstate. USAA is overall the best from what I have heard but you need some kind of military affiliation.

        • Richie M.

            In my experience, this greatly depends on your age, state, and driving experiences. If you have a clean record with no accidents and are over the age of 25, you can find a great deal from most providers, even more expensive ones like Allstate.

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