Do you have to pay insurance on a house you are not living in?

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    • Alex R.

        I am curious about this. I know a few people who buy houses and fix them up to either flip them or rent them out. A lot of times, they are sitting off the market for a good year or two. In that time, are you obligated to pay for house insurance or is this optional?

      • This depends on your area. Some places allow you to not have any but from what I know, most will pressure you to have it. This is especially true for houses in more rural areas. If your house is away from other homes, it isn’t usually a big deal but you have to consider that insurance on that property will cover damages to neighboring houses in the event of a floor or fire.

      • In my state, you do. The only reason you would not pay is if the house is considered unlivable. So if the water, gas, electric is shut off then you pay nothing.

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