Does your insurance include full dental coverage?

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    • I have been looking into different options and plans. My current one does not include it and I am having trouble finding one that offers full dental coverage. I don’t mind paying extra but I want everything to be in the same monthly bill instead of paying for both separately. Does your insurance offer this? If so, which do you have?

    • Alex R.

        It does but it is considered a separate payment. By this I mean I am paying both each month but they are being deducted as separate transactions in my bank account. I just get a better deal for having both through the company I work for.

      • Richie M.

          I think most insurance these days doesn’t directly include dental as that is considered a secondary practice, same with eyes case. I am not sure why this was changed or when it was changed but I don’t know anyone who has insurance with dental or eye care included as standard.

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