How can I land a job in my field if no one is hiring?

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    • Sammy

        I graduated in 2019 and have yet to get a job in the main thing I went to college for. It is frustrating and disappointing!

        Right now I am working for a local coffee shop and I am only making $14 an hour which is not enough to live on my own unless I live with a friend or move in with another family member.

        How can I get a job when I can’t manage to find anyone hiring for it?

      • Alex R.

          Make sure the jobs you’re applying for fit your experience and skills and look at your resume. If you are applying for things out of your skillset or your resume is faulty, you are very unlikely to find work.

          It is worth mentioning as well that if you spend time online, i.e. social media accounts, make sure you are professional on those platforms because companies can quickly look into those before even interviewing you and decide they don’t want to hire you.

        • Vince

            Very few businesses are never not looking to hire. I would say smaller ones are less likely because they are very small and likely overstaffed as it is. But I do think it is a good idea to look over your resume like Alex said. You might have something in it that is offputting to the places you are applying for.

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