How much does a garage cost in 2021?

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    • Alex R.

        I was trying to get an estimate online but I am getting all sorts of mixed numbers. I just want a rough estimate. I am looking at houses right now and found one in my price range but it is lacking a garage which is something I would need before winter hit. So I want to know how much to expect to be paying on top of what I offer the owner.

      • The cost of lumber has gone up quite a bit so you might have a hard time finding an accurate estimate online. The national average in the US right now is $25,000. This included electrical. You can get it for less if you go with other material options but don’t expect to pay much less. I would say the cheapest 2 car garage you will be able to get would be around $18,000.

      • Vince

          ^ I think it will cost more than $25k.

          I think the standard for a one-car garage is probably around that but a two-car? With this lumber price increase? You are looking at 30k+.

        • Gray W.

            The wood/lumber is up right now in cost so with that knowledge, find the average and tack on 15%. That should give you a realistic number. I think 25k sounds about right though.

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