How should a house be prepared before selling it?

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    • Rob

        I am asking for a friend. He bought a house with some friends 5 years ago and they all are parting ways. One is getting married, another is having a kid, and the other one is moving out of state. They want to sell the house and pay off what they owe and then split the rest. How do you go about preparing a house before you put it on the market?

      • Nick

          I was just looking into this topic myself. I can share a few tips with you that I liked and will be using if I decide to sell this summer.

          You want to make your house as personalized as possible. Remove photos, custom family items, etc. It is a good idea to do a fresh coat of neutral-colored paints in all rooms of the house as well as switch out carpeting for more neutral colors. Nothing bright or flashy. If you have to keep your items in the house during showings, place what you can fit into temp storage and only leave out the basics.

        • Alex R.

            In my experience, as a house shopper at the moment, I prefer to see a house completely emptied out. I don’t like seeing one with someone’s stuff all over the place. I have a hard time seeing my stuff in the space and tend to just move on to the next house.

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