How to keep fast food cheap?

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    • I noticed since COVID last year, prices of fast food has gone up anywhere from 15 to 50% depending on where you go and what you order. That is nuts! I used to be able to get a lot of food for $4 now most places I am spending nearly $10 just for myself. I would like to know some tricks on how to keep it cheap since the cost has gone up. I eat fast food 2 times a week at most but I can’t if I can’t find more affordable options!

    • Allen

        I would advise you to just look up the menus online. Look for the dollar menus and value menus where they are available and find things you like on those. You can still get a good amount of food for your money. Also, look out for deals and check for coupons. Places like Arby’s, McD’s, Burger King, and Pizzahut always have them.

      • Sammy

          Most places still do have value menus but they are not as “robust” as they used to be! I noticed this changing when I was still in college. What I tend to do with my mom is order a value meal and we split it. This saves money and most of the time there are coupons where my dad eats for free or almost free. We end up getting food for the three of us for under $8.

        • I have almost entirely gave up fast food because of the price increase and the fact that the places around here always get my orders wrong. It is not worth the cost and the hassle of having to drive back and forth when my order is messed up. It is a waste of gas. I mainly only stick to cheap pizzas and avoid places like McDonald’s because of their horrible service.

        • Thanks for your tips guys/gals!

          Yeah, I know about value menus but they seem so much smaller these days. I don’t tend to find many things I like on those. I guess I will have to really look at the coupons and only eat out when I have deals.

        • Nick

            The only time I eat out these days is if I can find a coupon. Food has gotten so expensive when it comes to eating out that even prior to wanting to be more frugal, I didn’t like the idea of spending so much on food.

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