I have a shared account with my ex, she has bad credit…

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    • Nick

        We have yet to close the account as she has left me to pay all the debt and has even used the card 2 times without paying it. I am contacting the company this weekend and seeing if I can get removed somehow. Have her bad habits brought my scores down even more? I noticed they dropped in the last few months and I haven’t been able to pinpoint why.

      • Dana

          Yes! Her bad credit and lack of payments will bring your scores down and likely have. Get they sorted ASAP! A friend of mine had this happen to her with a joint account she had with her sister. She is still trying to recover her scores.

        • I can’t remember the process of doing this but you can cancel it on your end. Who is the primary card older? Whoever’s name is the primary, which I am assuming is you, you will have to cancel her card and her profile attached to the card.

        • Brie Anna

            Call and get her name removed or ask for your name to be removed. You can tell them you are not using it and she keeps using it so you wish to give her the primary access and close yourself off from it.

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