Is Bitcoin worth it at this point?

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    • Allen

        I don’t feel like it is ever going to come back down to what it was just a few years ago and I still kick myself for not investing! I feel like a lot of people are in the same boat as me where had they took their money and invested in it when it was a few thousand, they would have had a major profit. The amount I was going to put in would have gotten me about 3.5 Bitcoins at the time so I would have had a nice chunk of money right now.

        I feel like at this point, it isn’t worth just investing a small amount in if you are looking for big returns. What are your thoughts?

      • Someone I was listening to the other day said by 2030, one bitcoin will be worth over a million USD. I don’t know if this is true or not or how much profit you would make off investment in bitcoin at this point but unless you have a lot to invest, it doesn’t seem like it is worth it. Like if I invested $500 into bitcoin, for example, if it reached 1 million per coin, I wouldn’t see a huge return because I would only be holding a fraction of a coin.

      • Vicky

          I think it is just because the value of USD is projected to drop quite a bit. What is sad is that these big companies and corporations know this and they will be handing out raises and arguing in favor of a minimum wage increase. People will be all for it but their buying buyer will be no better than it is right now, even though they are earning nearly double.

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