Is gold still a good investment?

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    • Rob

        I feel like, in this modern age, gold only holds value because people say it does. I don’t know of very many uses for it that we rely on. Maybe I am missing something? I am not sure. Is good still a good investment to make today? Is it worth buying gold bars?

      • Dana

          Yes, and it will be for a long time. People hold value to it regardless of whether or not it is useful. If you want to make a smarter investment though, go with copper. That is actually useful and the price/cost is going up and up!

        • Vince

            Gold will always be valuable. The only case where it won’t be is if suddenly people needed food, water, and things for survival more. If someone walked up and wanted to trade you gold for water but someone else had seeds, you would take the seeds, not the gold.

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