Is there a safe crypto?

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    • I have been wanting to get invested in crypto but I have no idea where to start. Everyone says Bitcoin but I wouldn’t even be able to buy a tenth of a single coin I don’t think. I would like to at least be able to have a decent amount of coins or whatever they are called. Does anyone know safe crypto to invest in that isn’t as expensive as Bitcoin?

    • Vicky

        Outside of Bitcoin, you can look into Ethereum, XRP, Cardano, Stellar, Uniswap, and Monero. Those are pretty popular right now and have a lot of support. They are not terribly expensive like Bitcoin is. Ethereum is the most sitting at just over 2.7k but has been as high as 4k I believe.

        • Dana

            I have to agree with the ones mentioned here. You want to go with more established names who have been around a while. If you go with a newer one, you are more likely to be scamed. It is always a good practice to be mindful of whales as well!

        • Richie M.

            No crypto is “safe”. They all come with risk. This is the same for stock investing. It is always a risk and nothing is ever 100% safe. I would say that the ones mentioned by Vicky have the most security but anything is possible. I mean any of those could tank overnight.

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