Organizing coupons – Best strategy?

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    • Allen

        I like to clip coupons. My wife and I do it every Sunday. We have a system that functions but could use some work. We are looking for any ideas, tips, or tricks to staying on top of what we have. We have made the mistake of forgetting or missing expired coupons which ends up hurting our shopping budget. Have any advice for this?

      • Sammy

          I have never been someone to bother with coupons but my mother does and she uses those card sheets for collectible cards. The ones that have 9 pockets on them. She uses tape to label them so she knows when they expire. She just goes according to month and year, she doesn’t worry about the exact date. When coupons are within 6 weeks of expiring, she moves that sheet to the front of her binder.

        • I seldom go out of my way to organize or keep them. I know I should but I feel like I would just end up putting time and effort into this only to forget about them. I will use them when it is something I intend on getting right away but if I don’t intend on buying something, the coupons usually just end up being thrown away.

        • Dana

            The easiest way I have found to handle them is to sort them by expiration month. From there, you can organize them based on what kind of item they are. I like to sort things by household room. So the bathroom is one, the kitchen is another, living room, and so on. It makes it easiest for me to know what I have and know what to plan for.

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