When it comes to making the switch, where do you start?

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    • Nick

        I want to be more smart and frugal with my income. I have a considerable amount of debt and while I am making the most I have ever made (a solid income) I am still struggling with my past debts. Where do I start my transition into being more frugal, smart, and wise about my spending habits?

      • Dana

          I think you have to take baby steps and learn new habits, it can take time! I was terrible with my spending in my teens and early 20s but now that I am approaching 30, I have started thinking more long-term and I budget everything. I do my best to put at least 10% of every single check into my savings as well.

        • Write down your spending habits for an entire month. Track what you spend on general goods, food, gas, monthly bills, insurance, and everything in between. Then look where you can cut corners. Start with that so you can make sure you are still able to maintain your needs. You can get more frugal as you adjust.

        • I started making changes and adjusting in 2020. It wasn’t so bad. I mean you look for small things you can change to cut corners and save a few bucks here and there. Shop clearance, make use of sales and coupons and work on saving as much money as you can.

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