Price ranges and availability

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    • Brie Anna

        I noticed that the housing market seems to have houses that sell super fast and ones that last for months. The ones that sell fast are under $300k and the ones that seem to be on the market for a long time are over $600k. I mean this shouldn’t be surprising but I feel like this sets up first-time homebuyers up for a disadvantage.

        Is there any way of buying a house for under $300k without worrying about a disappointing bidding war happening?

      • Gray W.

          This doesn’t surprise me. A lot of people looking to buy a house are looking at houses in the $150k to $250k range. That is middle-class shopping for you! I don’t have any tips or suggestions for this. The only thing I can say is to try to get ahead of everyone else. Work with an agent who is fast and knows connections.

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