Affording a house is hard in your 20’s!

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    • Sammy

        I planned on owning a house by the time I was 25 and I am going to be 26 in a few months. I graduated from college in 2019 at the age of 23 and fully intended on being able to find a job and get a house within two years… That didn’t happen! In fact, I have yet to find a job in the field I went to school for and I have yet to pay any of my college debts off. I am still living with my parents as well. It sucks! I don’t know a single person in their 20’s who has a house and I remember growing up loads of people did, or at the very least had apartments.

      • Nick

          I know people in their 30s who are not having it any easier. I was able to buy in my 20s just fine but because of debts and poor financial choices, it quickly got the best of me. I am sure the market will go back down though. Just have to be patient.

        • Alex R.

            Unless you are very smart with your finance early on, you are not going to likely be owning a house until your late 20’s at the earliest so do not beat yourself up too much about that! Give yourself a few more years to sort things out. The worst thing you could do now is to rush into buying something you can’t sustain or afford long-term.

          • Honey, I am in my 30s and can’t afford one either. LOL!

            I think it is important that at least most adults (young adults) know this and don’t sign anything or get a loan they will never be able to pay off. At least we got that going for us!

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