Can you get your price to do down if you mention a competitor?

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    • I know with banks, cars, and other styles of loans/purchases, you can more often than not strike a better deal if you mention a competitor and going with someone else. Can this be done with insurance as well? If so, what is the best method?

    • Alex R.

        I am not sure what “price to do” means, unless that was a typo?

        As for your question within the thread, yes. There are cases where you can get better rates if you shop around a bit. You have to be careful doing this however because you can be paying less for much less coverage. It is best to compare everything side by side before you sign on with anyone.

      • Vince

          Yes! Prices for most things that deal with contracts are negotiable.

          Just speak with confidence and compare the prices of other insurance companies with the ones you are speaking to. Let them know you have other options and what is included. Some will be willing to adjust things for you on the fly.

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