Selling Amazon products on eBay?

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    • Rob

        I am curious if this is still a thing people do to make money. You offer items on eBay at a slight market up and when someone buys the item, you ship it to them through Amazon as a gift and pocket the difference. So you basically make money without even touching a product. Do people still do this?

      • Dana

          I see plenty of people still doing this. I shop on eBay over Amazon when I want to use my Paypal balance. Since Amazon doesn’t allow Paypal, I end up looking for what I need on eBay and have received Amazon packaging when my stuff arrived. So I know people still do it. I am not sure how much you could realistically earn though.

        • Alex R.

            It is a fairly simple concept. You want to have Prime and make sure to only ship items as “gifts”. You have to ensure that your prices are not too high over what Amazon is asking either. So say you want to sell an Amazon item that is $10 on Amazon but have it be available on eBay, you would not charge more than 3% over the asking value. You also have to track the costs of your items on Amazon to make sure you don’t end up selling at a loss.

            • I remember reading tons of blog posts about this years ago. People were making a killing doing this. Some still do but it is a lot of work. The more products you offer the more you can make but the more you have to track. It is really a 2 or 3 person thing to do. Best to have at least a partner in on it to help manage everything.

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