Should you start out investing bigger?

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    • Nick

        I have made a few investments and a few friends and co-workers are trying to convince me to invest more since I have the money. I just don’t feel like this is a smart idea. They seem to think that you are better off investing bigger in the long wrong. Thoughts on this?

      • Dana

          I think it is better to start smaller and start with what you are familiar with. If you invest too much at once, you are likely to lose it all when you are just learning things. Never invest anything you are not willing to lose!

        • Some people say go big or go home but I say go smart or stay dumb. lol

          What I mean by that is only invest smartly. Don’t gamble your money and don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. If you take half your check and put it into stocks, you are gambling.

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