Tips for a first time investor?

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    • I have been considering investing in stocks since the boom that happened back in February of this year dealing with GameStop. I was blown away by how many people made serious profits on investing there. I know this was a group effort as a means to showcase how fixed the market can be when it comes to stocks but even still, I know there are plenty who make a living from the stock exchange.

      What are some tips for a first-time investor?

    • I would love some tips too! I hope someone shares some. I want to start investing in stock as well as crypto but I just don’t know where to begin and when you look things up online, it can quickly become overwhelming!

    • I am in the same boat. I keep hearing about people getting huge revenue through investments. One of the people my friend works with ended up being able to buy a house because he invested in the right crypto. That is nuts to think about, using cash to buy a house in 2021.

    • Start small. I think that is the best tip you will find. Just dip your toe into some stocks and see what happens. If you find yourself turning a profit, use your profits to reinvest. Get to a point where you are not using the money you earned to invest but only investment profits.

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