Using LED bulbs

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    • Sammy

        I finally made the switch for myself and my family. They were very reluctant to change. My mother didn’t trust the bulbs and my father was convinced it was a scam. I used a bonus I got to buy LED bulbs for the entire house (outside of appliances) and within the first month, they saw the cost of the electricity go down 30%! I think they will notice it more this month because I started the new bulbs on an uneven week.

        Do you use LED bulbs in your house?

      • I started using them a few years ago and while I am not a fan of the bright white coloration, I have found some that have that yellow hue so I don’t even notice the difference anymore. As for saving money, I think I save around $20 a month since switching which is great!

      • Nick

          It took me a while to change since I had a pretty large stock of the standard bulbs still. I ended up going full LED this year. I am not seeing much of a change but it was gradual for me from the start so I would have to compare my bill from last year to now to really see the difference.

        • Brie Anna

            We use some LED bulbs and some of the standard ones. It depends on the light and the room. I like to use regular ones in the office space as the LED lights tend to be too bright/white and bother my eyes. Since I work from home and sometimes work at night, I need the light to be warmer.

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