Who’s insurance pays in the event a tree falls over?

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    • Richie M.

        My brother’s neighbor had a tree in his yard that was recommended he removed because it was rotted. Well, we just had a bad storm pass through and the tree fell over into my brother’s yard and landed right on his garage. The tree went right through the roof of the garage and damaged his wife’s car. The neighbor is refusing to do anything about it and avoiding them. Who’s insurance is meant to cover this?

      • Vince

          If your neighbor files, his insurance is only responsible for removing the tree.

          If you file, your house will get repaired.

          Your brother needs to be the one to file, otherwise, the garage will not get repaired, the tree will be removed, and nothing more. I know this is a stupid way of handling this but this is how it goes in most states.

        • This happened to me, where I live. I rent so it was on the landlord and he was the one that filed. His neighbor (the guy living next to me with the tree issue) also filed after the fact and was told that his insurance can’t do anything about it.

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