It may at first seem surprising that there are connections between stress and financial stability, but as we explore the topic further, you are sure to see how the two can become entwined. Stress Can Impact Your Decision Making When you are under stress, your decision-making abilities can be severely impacted. High levels of stress,
Whether you’re searching for a gorgeous sapphire ring as a gift or simply looking to treat yourself because you deserve it, finding the perfect piece of jewelry can be thrilling. However, navigating the world of jewelry buying can be complex. You may not know when to buy, when not to, or even where to buy,
When someone we love is going through anxiety or depression, we naturally want to support and help them in any way we can. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression can have a significant impact on both individuals and their relationships. It can be confusing and overwhelming to navigate this terrain, but with the right
Whether you’re saving for a single-family home or you’re an avid budgeter by habit, planning an unforgettable wedding anniversary celebration doesn’t have to do harm to your wallet. All couples can enjoy an incredible anniversary day for a low cost or even free if they get creative. How to Have an Incredible Wedding Anniversary on
It’s never anyone’s first choice to move in with their in-laws. However, there are occasions when it is required for a variety of factors, including ones related to money, utility, or circumstance. It might be stressful spending a few days or weeks with your in-laws let alone actually living with someone for a long time,
Everyone has a different taste in music. Some people are more hard rock listeners while others are strictly listening to country music. But could your taste in music be a reflection of your personality and vice versa? Instead of looking at your enneagram or zodiac, it might be more telling to look at your music
Money and stress are usually happy bedfellows. In this article, we will discuss ways to alleviate the financial woes that you may be going through during your divorce, regardless of your financial situation. What is the answer to reducing financial stress during your divorce? The Power Of Now Let us begin with an issue that
In a perfect world, both spouses would agree on the best way for them to achieve their investment goals. However, it doesn’t always work this way. Often, disagreements over money can cause friction between partners. Your spouse might be more risk-averse than you or vice versa. How can you bridge this gap? First, set your
Which Childcare Service Should You Pick? It used to be easy to find child care by asking a trusted adult if they knew of any teenagers who might be interested in working for a few hours watching the kids. However, due to the transient and dispersed nature of modern life, many families now find themselves
Money makes the world go round. This is a famous saying that a lot of people say, and for good reason. It’s what keeps the roof over our head, gives us the clothes on our backs, and allows you to keep food in the house. However, as a parent, you’ve come to realize that children
As parents of a teenager, if you’re thinking you have plenty of time to save for his or her college fund, you might want to give it a second thought. Years of soccer games, birthday parties, and PTO meetings quickly speed by. And before you know it, you’ll be attending your teen’s high school graduation.
Family finance has evolved in recent generations with many modern parents adopting a strategy that rewards responsible choices with the incentive of an allowance in place of mandatory chores and working for the family business with little to no pay. Like many new aspects of modern life, family finance can be executed with more efficiency
Greenlight’s smart Mastercard debit card for kids cannot be connected to PayPal’s services the same way a bank-issued debit card can be. Consumers that are looking for a debit card for a minor child that they would like to connect to PayPal may be limited in their options. PayPal requires customers to be over the
The Greenlight smart Mastercard debit card for kids can be easily added to Google Pay. Adding a Greenlight debit card to Google Pay is fast and simple, much like any other payment card. After loading a Greenlight debit card to Google Pay, it is stored in the mobile wallet on your child’s devise and can
Merging finances and creating joint bank accounts may seem like the correct thing to do as a couple, especially when newlywed. Well, after surveying over 1,000 Americans this study discovered that 20% of people regret merging their finances with their partner. To make things worse, those same couples argue about money once a week on