Does anyone flip domains?

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    • I only recently heard of this. I bought some domains last in 2020 as an investment. They are earning me monthly revenue and I expect to get them to double by the end of the year. Anyways, domain flipping! Does anyone here do it or know what it is about. Seems like you can make a nice profit if you know which domains are available and when ahead of time.

    • I have heard of this but I feel like you really need to be ahead of the market to make subnational money with it. It is, imo, getting harder and harder to follow market patterns online and knowing what keywords will pay out the most in terms of domain names.

    • Gray W.

        I have done this once but it was not with the intention of doing it. I had bought a link to start a small online business. This was late 2019. Then the whole 2020 issue happened and someone expressed interest in buying the domain name. I ended up making $2,000 from it. I was shocked.

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