Ask how many credit cards I own. The number may shock you. As of December 24, 2017, I possess about fifteen credit cards. Don’t freak though because I swear I know what I am doing. Or at least, somewhat. I have been fortunate enough to travel to Hong Kong, South Korea, Colorado, and upcoming Spring 2018, Washington D.C. for close to nothing out of pocket. Contrary to the belief that the way to go is…

Picking a car to buy is already a hard process. Buying used can be even more complex because there are more variables knowing that the car is pre-owned. Questions like how did the previous owners treat the car, car mileage, and damage history may be common questions that arise upon browsing for a used car. This post will be dedicated to be a cheat-sheet for those in the market for a car, but don’t want…

What exactly is Ripple? There are two things to consider. Ripple, the cryptocurrency (XRP) and Ripple, the global settlement network. You may be asking why I am dividing these two things when it is critical to know the difference upon investing in Ripple. Ripple the technology is a global settlement network set to make wiring, international transfer, and fee-heavy currency exchanges obsolete. The team behind Ripple is trying to streamline the whole process and make…

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