Cryptocurrency Referral Code

How to Unlock Referral Code 2024-2025 Signup Bonus (Cronos)

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Chances are you may have used a referral code for and when logging into the Crypto app, you may have noticed a “locked” icon symbol next to your signup bonus. You may be confused about why that is and maybe asking yourself how to unlock the sign-up bonus.

Fortunately, we have created this step-by-step tutorial guide to help provide guidance on how to unlock and withdraw the signup bonus from the referral code that is clear, transparent, and straight to the point.

How to receive the Exchange signup bonus referral code? has two product offerings, the app where you are able to do commission-free trading (open to the United States) and their international Exchange trading platform that caters only to international audiences only.

If you reside in the United States:

If you reside outside the United States:

How to unlock signup bonus referral code

  1. To claim the free signup bonus, you must enter the referral code fangwalletand register for a account online.
  2. If you already have an existing account, a new referral code can be added via by opening the App and heading over to “App Settings” and toggling to the section called, “Referral Code.” Once prompted, enter the referral code fangwalletto become eligible for the free signup bonus.
  3. You must verify your identity and pass the KYC verification
  4. Once you have verified your identity the next step is to select a Visa Metal Card that interests you and apply for it
  5. If requested, stake the required amount of CRO.
  6. Once your application has been approved for the Visa Metal Card and you reserved a metal card, the free sign-up bonus will unlock and you will be free to withdraw the CRO crypto at any time.
How to Unlock Referral Code 2024-2025 Signup Bonus (Cronos)

Reviewed and edited by Albert Fang.

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Article Title: How to Unlock Referral Code 2024-2025 Signup Bonus (Cronos)

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