Side Hustle

How to Maximize Your Earnings as a Delivery Driver

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Driving a car for work can be a thankless job. People don’t realize how important you are to the economic structure of the world until a strike or supply chain issue arises. Gratification is one thing, but getting more income would fix all the other frustrating parts of the job. It can be difficult to make a living when you are a delivery driver or commercial driver. 

Getting smarter and more creative will definitely help you maximize your earnings as a delivery driver. We’ll cover a few of the best ways to make more bang for your buck, like getting Dominos delivery insurance as a pizza driver and using your personal vehicle for deliveries.

Be Punctual With Your Deliveries

One of the best ways delivery drivers can make extra cash is through tips from the people they are bringing products to. It can be too fluid sometimes, and therefore unreliable to count on tip money, but there are some ways you can be in control of this extra money. 

Make sure you are always on time as much as possible. If you are supposed to get something to the customer by 8:00, don’t arrive at 8:30. This can sometimes be difficult if the traffic is bad, so time your deliveries better. Your customers are more likely to tip if you are on time. Being friendly is also a great way to encourage tips from customers. 

You probably won’t find financial independence by getting tips as a driver, but every little bit counts. If you save all of your tip money in a savings account, you’d be surprised how much you will accumulate. 

Get the Right Auto Insurance

When you are on the road for your job, you’re going to need something more than just a personal insurance policy. Getting into an accident and filing a claim with your personal insurance when the wreck happened on the job is a surefire way to not get any money from your insurance provider. 

Much like a company CEO might need to take out professional liability insurance, it is part of the life of a driver to have business insurance. There is a large exception to this rule, though. If you are driving a company-owned car, your employer may have a policy to cover any damages. Either way, insurance saves you a ton of money in the long run. 

This tip for buying commercial auto insurance on your car would be more for people who are driving their regular vehicle for work instead of using a vehicle you don’t own. 

Ask to Use Your Car Instead of a Company Vehicle

This leads to the final tip you should consider when becoming a delivery driver. If you drive your personal vehicle for your job, you may feel a lot more comfortable behind the wheel. 

This will save you time on the way to your next stop because you won’t be tinkering around with the nuances in an unknown car. You already know how to drive your personal vehicle, so no adjustment period is necessary. 

When you are performing a job that has so few perks, you need to do everything it takes to save more money. Find out what works for you and capitalize on some of the unique traits of being a delivery driver.

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Shawn Laib writes and researches for the auto insurance comparison site, He wants to help people understand how different types of insurance will save them money when they least expect it to.

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