In the financial market, digital assets are instruments that, when used smartly, can make one very rich. This is despite the market volatility that engulfs the industry at specific periods. One such token that has provided profits to traders is Ripple. Even though it is not the biggest according to the market cap, the token shows a potential of high returns.  What is Ripple? Ripple (XRP) is the name of the token of the Ripple…

After getting injured in a car crash, you will be entitled to receive compensation for your damages. In most cases, you will have to file a claim with the other driver’s insurer to obtain it. However, securing fair compensation can be very complicated, as many of these insurers will try to low-ball your settlement. Lowballing is a common practice among insurance companies. It consists of sending a compensation offer much lower than the actual value…

For a long time, the story of decentralization has been told in the corners of the internet. There have been hints that this could be the world’s future. Globalization has brought most countries throughout the world closer together. Oddly, certain aspects are entirely under the control of the government. The proponents of a better online system have ensured that data is collected on a large scale for public consumption. This could lead to some field…

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that guarantees data integrity, confidentiality, safety, and accountability, as we all know. The Blockchain considers each transaction safe and validated despite the lack of a central authority to authenticate and verify transactions. This concept is only feasible because of the consensus protocol, an essential component of any Blockchain network. Blockchain is the ledger on which bitcoin works.  Consensus algorithms achieve blockchain network stability and build trust amongst unknown peers in…

Though money cannot buy happiness, it certainly buys essential things you need for survival. You may want to enjoy your life, but it cannot be possible without good financial habits.  Though you can easily get the critical financial resources from sites like Advisor World, changing your current financial practices is essential to living a balanced and financially stable life. To help you do that, here are six budgeting mistakes you need to avoid from now…

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