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Most Popular, Best Personal Finance Blogs (2024-2025 Edition)

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A common question I get asked is where I read up on all this material on personal finance and how I am able to still have the brainpower to breakdown the jargon into sentences that people can understand. I am here to tell you that it was rather easy with the guidance and assistance of many of these wonderful blogs in the personal finance community on the web. The time dedicated to each individual blog has had a ripple effect over the years. Thanks to the efforts of every contributor in the personal finance community, finding sound financial advice is no longer a bore or a mystery to the average Joe.

Thus, I wanted to take the time to recognize some of the most popular running personal finance blogs that I highly recommend checking out. So without any particular order, here is the list!

Most popular personal finance blogs (2025 Updated)

Blog nameFoundedWhat I love about it
Get Rich Slowly 2006 Slow n’ steady wins the race
Wise Bread 2006 Always been an authority figure in personal finance
Dough Roller 2007 Loved it then, love it now
Mr. Money Mustache 2011 Edgy blog about finance, loved by Reddit
The Simple Dollar 2006 Been around for decades
NerdWallet 2009 The bread and butter
jlcollinsnh 2013 “The Simple Path to Wealth” slogan says it all
Wall Street Oasis 2007 Finances in the lens of bankers
The Penny Hoarders 2010 Love the simplistic nature of the site
ThreeThriftyGuys 2010 Just you know, three thrifty guys blogging together
The Frugal Girl 2008 Frugal living at its finest
The College Investor 2009 Love that the demographic resonates well for me
Moolanomy 2007 Place in my heart since my early days of my old blog
Money Under 30 2006 Money under 30, sounds good to me!
Money Crashers 2006 Popular blog on anything pertaining to money
Consumerist 2000 Blog has held its own against touchy subjects
The Krazy Coupon Lady 2009 Pays to coupon. A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
The Points Guy 2009 The man that made owning 15 credit cards popular
Money Saving Mom 2007 A personal finance blog with some character!
Seed Time 2007 Originally known as Christian Personal Finance
Budgets Are Sexy 2008 You know what, budgets are sexy.
MoneyTalksNews 2007 News about anything money related
Making Sense of Cents 2012 Work-at-home, own boss mentality that works!
Modest Money 2012 Humble beginnings on personal finance
Good Financial Cents 2008 My two cents, love the name. More so the content!
Penny Pinchin Mom 2010 Pays to count your pennies, you know?
I Will Teach You to Be Rich 2004 Investing and getting rich made simple
GoBankingRates 2008 How low can they go (interest rates)?
Money Ning 2007 Blogging since 2007. OG.
Man vs Debt 2009 I reckon man will prevail or at least I hope so
And Then We Saved 2011 How saving goes a long way for financial freedom
Frugalwoods 2014 Financial independence and simple living
Natalie Bacon 2015 Once an excessive spender, now converted!
Life Hacker 2004 Love the simple life hacks that make my days easier
Oblivious Investor 2008 Sees what the average investor does not
Squawk Fox 2007 “Where money is sexy, delicious, and fun”
Disease Called Debt 2013 Breaking free from debt and experiencing enrichment
Stefanie O’Connell 2009 Money savvy tips from an established face
Money After Graduation 2012 Love that blogging has no boundaries
Wealth Pilgrim 2009 “No Money Worries, No Matter What”
Give Me Back My Five Bucks 2010 Love the blog name. More so the content.
Couple Money 2009 A unique twist of personal finance tailored to couples
Wallet Hacks 2014 The original owner of Bargaineering back at it
The Dividend Guy 2005 Who doesn’t love dividends and free money?
Don’t Quit Your Day Job 1997 Been around since the dotcom boom. Says it all
Sure Dividend 2014Quality content with an uncharacteristic design to remember
Bella Wanana2019Personal finance simplified.

I hope the list did not disappoint! I want to reiterate that the list is organized in no particular order. The personal finance blogs were simply hand-picked by me. These personal finance blogs have stood the test of time and are still kicking. As a personal finance blogger getting back into the game, that is dedication.

Submit your personal finance blog to this list

If you are a personal finance blogger yourself and you want to be added to this list, we ask bloggers to link to to verify ownership and to shoot us an email with the link with details of your website and a short bio. Shortly after, we will review the personal finance blog submission to see if it makes the cut.

Reviewed and edited by Albert Fang.

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Article Title: Most Popular, Best Personal Finance Blogs (2024-2025 Edition)

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FangWallet is an editorially independent resource - founded on breaking down challenging financial concepts for anyone to understand since 2014. While we adhere to editorial integrity, note that this post may contain references to products from our partners.

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Write for Us

Albert is an entrepreneur, content strategist, and UCLA Bruin. Professionally, he has spearheaded business strategy efforts at SoFi, Houzz, and AKQA. In his free time, he enjoys sharing his personal finance/FIRE journey on his personal finance blog and offering enriching, minimalistic financial guidance.


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  3. Nice information you have shared is being a beginner in financial management studies I must admit you hold a great experience in this field keep up thanks a lot.

  4. linda feri Reply

    Incredible list! In the past couple of weeks I have been searching a lot of financial blogs online to better understand the core values of managing personal finances. These sites are massive as compared to other finance websites, but my personal favorite is The Penny Hoarder because of its simplicity. I am sure it can be helpful to many people who are seeking legit financial websites.

  5. I must say this is an amazing guide for many new individuals in this financial field like me. Thanks for sharing this list with us. well done.

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