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Postmates (by Uber Eats) vs. Uber Eats vs. DoorDash vs. Grubhub: Best Delivery Person Earning Opportunities in 2022

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With the introduction of food delivery apps, just about any driver can become eligible to become part of the economy gig network of food deliverers and make extra income. However, there are definitely a lot of food delivery apps to choose from such as Postmates, DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub. Thankfully, we have broken down which food delivery app has the best ranked per criteria, such as user-friendliness, safety, best delivery driver earning opportunities at your convenience with real-world examples to reference from.

The question you may be asking yourself is which delivery app provides the best opportunities to earn? And which company prioritizes delivery driver safety?

Nonetheless, this blog post today hopes to address which food delivery app is best for each ranking category between popular food delivery apps such as Postmates, Uber Eats, Doordash, and Grubhub.

Food delivery app with good safety features & driver pay in 2021

Uber Eats. I constantly rave about Uber Eat’s app not only because of the safety features, but the company is transparent with its delivery people, especially with the aftermath and passing of Prop 22.

Benefits of Prop 22 for Delivery Drivers with Uber Eats

  • Car accidental insurance coverage for active drivers on the road
  • Free PPE to active drivers (availability may vary by location)
  • Rewards and perks for drivers to pursue higher education while driving with Uber

Uber safety features 

The Uber Driver app is simply a delivery driver’s dream app in terms of taking into consideration the delivery driver experience from a design, UX/UI experience. The interface is simplistic, but at the same time not overly minimalistic nor overbearing with information to confuse the driver on the road.

Automatic dark mode in evenings

The driver experience is seamless. When it is daytime, it is in light mode and automatically switches to dark mode when it becomes evening. Simple touches to the design like that help drivers focus on the road and not having to multitask while driving, which promotes safety. Simply put, multitasking on the road is dangerous and is asking for trouble long-term.

Uber Eats app made with the delivery driver in mind

Competing driver apps like DoorDash requires users to actively interact with the app. For example, declining a bundled order with driver feedback on why an order is declined to resume, which can be dangerous for a driver. In other words, you can tell Uber has thought through  the delivery experience while prioritizing driver safety.

What I appreciate the most out of the Uber Eats app for delivery drivers is that when a bundled order pops up or a new order comes in while being online, hitting the decline or accept button is as simple as a single tap. No additional questions on why you declined to resume, just so drivers can focus their eyes on the road.

The app does a good job in making sure the buttons to accept or decline are big enough too so when drivers are on the road, they have enough time (60 seconds) to accept or decline when there is a pit stop during a stop sign or stoplight. Seamless experiences like these help me appreciate how much thought went into prioritizing safety for delivery drivers with Uber Eats over other competing apps like DoorDash, or Grubhub.

Uber has its own in-app GPS navigation

Who knew that when delivering food you have to be a pro between switching from Google Maps or Waze and the food delivery app. Thankfully for Uber, the company developed their own mapping and GPS navigation system that is fairly accurate in order to help drivers avoid having to multitask and switch between apps while on the road.

In other words, by having everything automatically populate through the Uber app, again, the delivery driver can just focus on the road and may not have to juggle multiple apps while driving. Again, safety focus.

Final thoughts

Becoming a Delivery Person with Uber Eats is simply a notch above its competitors like DoorDash, and Grubhub in leading the charge for safety and pay in 2021.

Reviewed and edited by Albert Fang.

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Article Title: Postmates (by Uber Eats) vs. Uber Eats vs. DoorDash vs. Grubhub: Best Delivery Person Earning Opportunities in 2022

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Albert is an entrepreneur, content strategist, and UCLA Bruin. Professionally, he has spearheaded business strategy efforts at SoFi, Houzz, and AKQA. In his free time, he enjoys sharing his personal finance/FIRE journey on his personal finance blog and offering enriching, minimalistic financial guidance.

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