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Ignoring signs of poor health can lead to undesirable consequences. People do check-ups and visitations to the hospital for this very reason. Staying healthy is a human priority, but this shouldn’t be only limited to physical health – pursuing good financial health is as important. Financial health refers to the state of your finances; bank
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In 2009, Bitcoin —the first cryptocurrency— was created by developer Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a digital or virtual currency secured by blockchain, making it impossible to counterfeit. While digital currency and cryptocurrency markets have been around for more than a decade now, cryptocurrency has recently gained popularity and momentum. If you need proof, Bitcoin's (BTC)
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Given that the cryptocurrency market has been growing tremendously, the importance of SEO for cryptocurrency grows as well. A recent report shows that cryptocurrency keywords are more and more often used in search engines as users are searching for the corresponding content. Thus, more attention should be paid to cryptocurrency SEO and the opportunities it
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Leasing a car can be a worrisome task if you’re unaware of the financial implications involved. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you may cost yourself more money than necessary while trying to lease a car. You may also be asking yourself: When you lease a car, does it come with car insurance?  Read
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Are you looking to add some financial armor to your personal investment portfolio during a volatile year? If so, you are not alone. Many are tightening their budgetary belts and hunting for ways to strengthen all the components of their holdings. For instance, there are those who are leveraging the power and safety of DRIPs
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As STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) becomes an essential element of our everyday lives, multidisciplinary and comprehensive STEM education is a must if you want to keep pace with a rapidly changing world. Regardless of your plans, STEM education helps you become more successful and well-rounded. If you’re not sure whether it is a good
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