RebatesMe is an online coupon and cashback marketplace for online shoppers. Think of RebatesMe as a direct competitor of popular coupon and discount company with the likes of Rakuten and Honey. RebatesMe has a robust inventory of cashback opportunities for its 3,000 eligible storefronts worldwide. Apply promo code: 6KWTK1 for a $10 RebatesMe welcome sign-up bonus.
For parents, teaching their kids the value of saving and spending wisely may be a tall order to fill. Fortunately, the Greenlight app was developed with parents in mind to distill good spending habits within their kids at a young age. With Greenlight app, parents now have the power to nudge their kids into the
Merging finances and creating joint bank accounts may seem like the correct thing to do as a couple, especially when newlywed. Well, after surveying over 1,000 Americans this study discovered that 20% of people regret merging their finances with their partner. To make things worse, those same couples argue about money once a week on
Even though many people believe that college students are mature enough to understand the key life aspects and establish priorities, it is not always the case. If you watch the behavior of an average person in their 20s, you will see a kid who pretends to be an adult. Too many parents practice helicopter parenting,
The majority of students are from ordinary families so they may have some difficulties with money. To avoid them, students must learn budgeting tips and manage their money wisely. There are almost no students who don’t face money issues. But despite all this, college time is great because it’s a period when teens become adults.
Financial struggles come and go, and sometimes, even the most well-thought-out budget needs to be narrowed a bit. If you're finding yourself at a loss for how to pinch more pennies, these five tips will help you reduce spending, save more and find some wiggle room in your already tight budget. Although it's difficult making
There are lots of great ways to save money. Perhaps you are already implementing some of them such as not eating out as much, spending less on entertainment, or walking more to save on gas. You have got all the obvious money-saving tips covered. That's awesome! However, there are always more ideas you could try
Chances are you may have a pile of receipts sitting somewhere in a sock drawer waiting to be disposed of. But today, after reading this post, your view of receipts may change entirely. What if I told you that for almost every grocery store receipt, your receipt is eligible for monetary cash back rebate? Yes.
Your 30s are a pivotal decade in your life for various reasons. For many people, you're likely settling into your career, perhaps growing a family, or just trying to enjoy a fast-paced life. As it turns out, your 30s are just as critical to your financial journey as these other aspects. By making strong financial
Practicing frugal habits while shopping can be quite difficult. However, with some patience and online research, it can be accomplished. The internet is a great communication tool for making and increasing net worth. There are many different money making websites and apps on the market today. Take for example the new mobile receipt scanning apps.
When we step back and take an overall look at our finances, there’s a good chance you can see a fair bit of room for improvement. Many of us have a whole lot on our plate with regards to daily expenses and lack of free time to focus on finances, and so our bank accounts
Figuring out which is the best cashback shopping site may net you a substantial amount of cashback, especially if you are one to do a lot of shopping online. With many cashback shopping sites like Rakuten and BeFrugal offering cashback on over 2,000+ eligible store vendors, chances are you may be missing out on some
Christmas can be a stressful time of year, especially if you have a lot of people to buy for and not a lot of money. This guide will give you ideas, whether you need to buy a gift for one of your closest family members or a few distant friends. You should be able to
Whilst people are at University, it is commonly assumed that you will not be in a strong financial position as the cost of living is high as a student. Yet, this doesn’t have to be the case. Here we will discuss a few simple ways to save money each week or month, which you can
A personal problem that I encountered recently and successfully tackled is how to remove mildew smell from laundry so I wanted to take the time to briefly share what worked for me in removing mildew smell from my clothes. This post will be rather brief, but a life saver for those still searching for a
There is a common misconception that living eco-friendly is a more expensive lifestyle. In fact, it is the exact opposite! There are so many small changes you can make in every element of your life to become zero-waste, helping you to save money whilst doing your bit to help the environment. Make the effort to
The coronavirus pandemic has created uncertainty in every aspect of life, including business management. You’ve solved problems as a business owner, but the pandemic makes planning for the future a huge challenge. How do you plan with so much uncertainty? Deloitte defines three steps for dealing with the pandemic: respond, recover and thrive. First, owners
Figuring out the best cashback website on the web can be a bit of a puzzle to figure out because nowadays, there are a dozen options. Rakuten, BeFrugal, and Honey are all great choices, but chances are you may be overwhelmed with which site to invest your time in. Questions arise and pop in your
Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything, which includes even the grocery store receipts you receive on hand after replenishing your pantry. Fortunately, there are two popular app store options that frugal living fans absolutely love. You may have already heard of them already, but Ibotta and Fetch Rewards are the leaders in
Ibotta, a cashback app for everyday shopping, is most popular for deal hunters who enjoy the thrill of a little scavenger hunt. The type of stores ranges anywhere from eligible grocery stores to even electronic stores. The savings don't stop, and the truth is if you aren't trying to save during this day and age,
The Dosh App is reinventing cashback rewards for phone users, much like Rakuten revolutionized cashback for desktop online shopping cashback. Why is this revolutionary? Because every in-person purchase all of a sudden is now eligible for additional cashback rewards and the cash earned can really add up over time. Why you should install the Dosh
As much as I hate to admit it, saving money can be a very hard topic to crack depending on the individual. Measuring success for budgeting and saving money can look very different because living a frugal lifestyle relies heavily upon the individual to adopt an unrealistic good set of habits from cold turkey sometimes.
College is an exciting time for most people. During this time, people create experiences independent from their families. But, this independence comes with great responsibility. In college, individuals are forced to manage their lives properly. Apart from time management, proper handling of finances is one of the challenges worth learning from during this period. Importance
Are you tired of just making ends meet and not having enough to put some on your savings? It is true that life can be much easier if you have excellent financial skills, but it doesn’t really take rocket science to become financially wise. How you spend your money can have a huge impact on