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Disclaimer: The content of this website is for informational purposes only and does not represent investment advice, or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security, investment, or product. Investors are encouraged to do their own due diligence, and, if necessary, consult professional advising before making any investment decisions. Investing involves a high degree of risk, and financial losses may occur including the potential loss of principal.

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What is Aave (AAVE)? Aave (AAVE) (founded 2017) is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) lending protocol that allows users to borrow a wide range of cryptocurrencies, with the options to use both stable and variable interest rates. The lending Decentralized Application (DApp) allows for borrowers and lenders to ‘opt the terms and conditions for loans.' Said loans are held within smart contracts. In late 2020
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So, you’ve designed an awesome-looking online store. You’ve also created a rock-solid digital marketing strategy to attract more website visitors. Chances are you’re already leveraging Facebook ads and search engine optimization (SEO) to drive website traffic. You can’t wait for new visitors to check out your website and purchase your products. But then days pass
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If you're under a lot of stress because you have to move, we hear you. Moving is often a stressful ordeal—physically, mentally, and financially—but it doesn't have to be as harrowing as it may seem at first glance. By setting yourself up for a successful move at the start, you'll breeze through your moving checklist
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Entrepreneurship does not just refer to a person who is organizing, managing, and taking the risks of a particular business or enterprise. Entrepreneurs deal with more complicated subject matter other than just building and operating their very own business. With the help of implementing effective strategies and prioritizing important business skills, an entrepreneur can greatly
In the financial market, digital assets are instruments that, when used smartly, can make one very rich. This is despite the market volatility that engulfs the industry at specific periods. One such token that has provided profits to traders is Ripple. Even though it is not the biggest according to the market cap, the token
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